Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Bad Mood

What do u think about bad mood ? What are the causes ? How can u cure it ?

Me, I don't know why I can have bad mood nowadays. I can't say I don't have anything to do. Actually, I have jobs for myself. But I am sometimes lazy to do it. If i have bad mood, I just want to sleep ! If i can't sleep, may be I just imagine anything that already happened to me. That's not good for me if I think too much.

Like when my mother asked me to do something, it seems, I didn't want to do her command. Once again, I was lazy if I had bad mood. Usually, I'm like this. I would do my parents command with pleasure. And also, I can get mad easily when I'm not in my mood. Especially when I face my brothers ! Anyone must be patient to face them.

I hate this situation. I became lazy to do anything (like studying too !) and get angry easily, like I have less patience !

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